How to Order your Monogram

Monogramming is available for all bags sold by Parrott Canvas for an additional cost of only $8.00 per bag. To have your bag monogrammed, simply fill out the required information when ordering your bag.

You will have to select thread color, letter style, and enter your monogram text information.

Thread Color:

Find a color you like from the swatches on this page. Then select that thread color when ordering your bag in the space provided on the order form. You will see thread color options when you select bag color and size.

Please note that color swatches are a close estimate to actual thread color.

Letter Style:

Find a letter style you like from the chart on this page. Then select that style when ordering your bag in the space provided on the order form. You will see the monogram options when you select bag color and size.

Your Monogram Text: (VERY IMPORTANT)

Enter monogram initials in order of FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST (e.g. F,M,L) and we will arrange them in the correct sequence for the style you have chosen OR enter up to 10 character monogram (e.g. Sammy).

Use uppercase and lowercase letters exactly how you want them to appear on your bag. All monograms are case sensitive.

***Note we do not offer all Upper Case Script Names.

If you enter periods, italics, hyphens, or any other punctuation in the monogram text information, they will be included in the embroidery.

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